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Why is internet explorer hated so much? It's not THAT slow...? - Printable Version

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Why is internet explorer hated so much? It's not THAT slow...? - Person - 04-08-2014 07:07 PM

I have been using Internet Explorer for many years (I only recently stared using chrome) and Internet Explorer isn't THAT much slower than others I have tried (such as Firefox, and Chrome). So I'm just wondering.

- igotaprank - 04-08-2014 07:14 PM

Well there are many reasons but mostly technical
one reason is IE doesnt keep up to date
with html5 becoming the language for websites and since it is still in development there are updates that browsers need and IE just doesnt keep up.
another reason is because its slow yea i know u dont think so but for most it is look at chrome it uses a different thread for every tab which makes it go a lot faster + chrome has more extensions that can be added
so the reason many people hate IE will depend one what they r doing like if you are gaming online chrome will cream IE but if u just browse then IE will be fine

- Marcos - 04-08-2014 07:19 PM

Other browsers such as FireFox are open source which means the program code is not protected ie people can inject code to customize the browser or put simply you can customize the browser to your liking by installing programs that amateur programmers have made