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Who can use Lorem Ipsum? Can anyone use Lorem Ipsum in any way he/she wants it, with no problem at all? - Printable Version

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Who can use Lorem Ipsum? Can anyone use Lorem Ipsum in any way he/she wants it, with no problem at all? - maricel - 04-08-2014 07:08 PM

Who can use "lorem ipsum"? Can anyone use "lorem ipsum" in any way he/she wants it, with no problem at all, ie: copyrights, royalties, etc. etc. ?

Especially on websites ?

So, does that mean, I can use that on all of my WEBSITES (no restrictions, no time-limit), as many times as I want to, and in any way I want to, right?

There's no need to ask permissions or whatsoever to any person or anything, right?

- Windowphobe - 04-08-2014 07:11 PM

Considering that most "lorem ipsum" text is adapted from Cicero's "De finibus bonorum et malorum" ("On the ends of good and evil"), which was written in 45 BC, I'd say copyright is not a factor.