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Do ISPs keep Detailed records? - Printable Version

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Do ISPs keep Detailed records? - Alice - 04-08-2014 07:10 PM

Do they just keep a list of websites you visited, or do they also keep details such as emails and forum posts you made? I'm basically asking how detailed are the records that internet service providers keep.

- Smilingboy663 - 04-08-2014 07:17 PM

Depends on ISP and the official laws governing them either state or Nationally.

Whether they just adhere to minimum requirements or have internal company protocols to keep extra records.

You would have to read the fine print and company declarations to determine this on an individual ISP basis.

- CHarris - 04-08-2014 07:20 PM

Use a VPN or something like Tor. Your ISP will know nothing...

- PoohBearPenguin - 04-08-2014 07:25 PM

No your ISP doesn't track that stuff. For one thing, it would open them to too much scruitin