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How to stop feeling depresse? - Printable Version

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How to stop feeling depresse? - Fort Lauderdale guy - 04-08-2014 07:11 PM

I just turned 18, but feel depressed all the time about girls. I am a pretty introvert guy at first which gets hard at times and it just brings me down. I feel out of place often and just get stressed out. I try to open up and act extrovert but just feel out of place. I work and breathe with all extroverts and am bad with meeting other girls. I work at a college cafeteria on the weekends (still in high school, senior) and like this one girl at another high school shes going there next year but I have never met her before I see her all over social media but I went to school with her sister but barely knew her either. I don't know why I feel so attracted to her and she seems fairly extrovert and a big into partying. I want to talk to her but i would feel socially awkward and online would feel like a creep. I am going to a different college but we will be in the same town so it's just hard cause I like my job but know I will have to quit because it will kill me every time I see her. I try to forget and move on and focus on my own life but sometimes it just gets hard. Just looking for some suggestions because I really want to move on from this.

- Anna - 04-08-2014 07:19 PM

The right girl will come along I don't know maybe that girls is the right girl just talk to her thats the only thing you can do find good starter conversations and get to know her, just enjoy all the happy things in life right now while you're free. Dating a girl can also be stressful but happy as well. Just enjoy every precious moment of life and when the right girl comes then take the chance!

- Best of luck

oh and be yourself!

- Sniper_Nangkring - 04-08-2014 07:25 PM

Real man dont depressed just because one girl! just talk to her, never hesitate! i mean armageddon wouldn't happen just because you talk to her right? than what are you afraid for? althought its alright if you dont talk to her, world is not as big as nut! there are still more girl for you to talk!
feeling better?

- Sienna - 04-08-2014 07:27 PM

I mean college is way bigger than high school so if you do see her it's not like you will be seeing her all the time. And who knows maybe it will work out, you just have to be optimistic, shy guys can be really hot. Opposites attract one shy person with one outgoing person is the perfect match Smile

- kp2600 - 04-08-2014 07:28 PM

Saying that someone looks good is just the beginning. You said that you like her but yet barely know her. So how can you say for certain that you really like her. I'm sure being in your situation that it seems like everyone around you is dating and you are stuck in a rut that you feel you can not escape. But you also said that she is most likely into partying a lot which is the complete opposite of you. You just turned 18 and still have your whole life ahead of you. Don't rush things and the right girl will come into your life. When I say the right girl, I mean one that will like you for who you are. Don't ever change who you are for anybody. Be patient. Don't stress. And things will work out for you in time. Hope this helps!!

- irving snotpocket - 04-08-2014 07:29 PM

Because you are so introverted, I'll bet you have no guy friends you are really open with, right? Therefore, you don't get a chance to bounce things off of (hence, the reason you are posing to YA). You also have some very deep emotions, deeper than the average bear (yep, I remember your past YA posts). Getting with a guy friend will help you re-affirm your feelings are normal (or that you are irrational).

I know I"ve said this before, but you really need to take this to a counselor. You need interactive advice, not one-time advice you get via YA. You need to talk with someone with whom you can rely on and who knows you. That way, you can get advice that is more personal. If you need to vent, shoot me an e-mail, but remember that I am not therapist or psych.

Finally, it's really the wrong time to strike it up with her. However, the fact that you are obsessing (admit it, you are) means that you really need to talk with a counselor.

BTW, by guy friend, I mean a hetero buddy. Not "explore your sexuality."