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Why is generation y immature? Over machismo of gen Y? - Printable Version

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Why is generation y immature? Over machismo of gen Y? - Gray - 04-08-2014 07:12 PM

It seems that, in comparison that generation Y is not reaching the same maturity generation X had at our age (gen Y). It seems most generation Y people in their 20's never get out of the high school mentality of drinking and partying, the only difference is now they go to bars most of their time. Looking at my dad's generation, it seemed liked their was a big jump in maturity from peoples 20's to their 30's, but now the generation Y's that are in their 30's are not any more mature than they were in their 20's. Also, people in older generations were a lot classier in dress style, now it is a bunch of douche bag bros all wearing the same flat bill caps and wearing some American fighter type t-shirt even though they are not fighters. It seems like a good amount of generation Y people only care about drinking, drugs, sex and fighting. This also seems to lead to an over-machismo where half the people think they are bad-asses, cage fighters or wannabe gangsters. Then there seems to be a lot of people in my generation with the bro mentality who end up going to junior college only to prolong dropping out, because of the stigma people get for not going to college. And they act as if they are there to go college when they couldn't give two shits about getting an education. Am I the only one who thinks that generation Y is the least mature generation in comparison to how the other generations were at the time they were in the same age group that most generation Y's are in now? Is there anyone else who has observed this about generation Y? I am not saying all people from generation Y fit this mold but a discerning amount do.

- Exco - 04-08-2014 07:21 PM

Social and cultural changes - life expectancy rises, higher education became more accessible hence more enrolment. Social norm of Gen X was to start working straight out of high school, today knowledge and grad certificates mean more than physical skills, not necessarily a good thing, as it undermines the value of real world practice, but I'm merely stating the cultural trend.

Gen X's adolescence ends at 18, are expected to marry as soon as early 20s, Gen Y tend to attempt to pursue more individual development and career growth before settling down, generally in the early 30s, an entire decade's difference.

Again, cultural norms due to changes in socio-economic circumstances.

Gen Y is the least mature? Hundreds of thousands of young people flocked to join the army on the breakout of WWI, because they had a romanticised view of war and chivalry, only to be mauled down by machine guns in trenches. "Wanna-be fighters"? The grand-daddies of Al Capone's generations were the real gangsters.

Douchebaggery is commonplace not because of the generation, as if it's a "genetic trait" particular to Gen Y. You've got today's media and pop culture that nourishes these idiotic notions of "what is cool and what's not", influencing children from when they start middle school, as well as today's commercialised culture that glorifies in perfection - anorexic figures for women and oiled muscles for men, that anything less of these perceived perfection are frowned upon.

Don't blame Gen Y, blame the douchebags in Gen X that makes a killing off the profits of commercial culture!

And if you say social media is bad, I'll say it's making Gen Y more aware of global diversity and social problems. Gen X and those before were, and still are, notorious for rampant xenophobia, racism, homophobia, and a tonne of other phobias. I'm proud of this generation as more politically and socially aware, to be more engaged in fighting injustice and you know what? They knew of injustice from social media, and they're increasing awareness through social media.

Technology are culture are always going to evolve, maybe Gen Z will think you and I are conservative old-timers at some point.

No, I KNOW they will think of you and I as conservative old-timers.