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Which answer is correct for Google Adwords? - Printable Version

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Which answer is correct for Google Adwords? - Wame - 04-08-2014 07:12 PM

16. State whether true of false.
If you run out of characters in your AdWords ad, the display URL field can be used as another line of ad text.
a. True
b. False

17. The term for the number of impressions an ad has accrued in relation to the rest of the active ads within the same ad group is:
a. Ad Impression Rate (%)
b. Ad Served Percentage (%)
c. Ad Delivery Rate (%)
d. Ad Impression Accrual Rate (%)

18. Which of the following will NOT happen if the view-through conversion window is set to 14 days in the Google AdWords account?
a. The view-through conversions that occur after 14 days will be discarded
b. The Click conversions will still be counted on the standard 30-day lookback.
c. This setting will not impact view-through conversions which already been recorded
d. The view-through conversions that occur before 14 days will be discarded.

19. Which statistic does Google report on to show you how well your campaign is performing in terms of successful conversions?
a. Conversions/Cost per click (%)
b. Impressions/Conversions (%)
c. Cost/Conversion

20. What does the “Conversions (many-per-click)” value represent?
a. The number of view-through convrsions.
b. The number of conversions counted on the 60-day Lookback.
c. Conversions (many-per-click) count a conversion every time a conversion is made within 30 days following an AdWords ad click
d. There is no such statistic.

21. Which of the following statements about Adwords Ad Scheduling are correct?
a. It allows you to control the days on which ads should appear.
b. It allows you to control the time at which ads should appear.
c. It allows you to raise or lower your bids for a campaign at certain times of the day.
d. It allows you to change the countries being targeted at certain times of the day.

22. Which of the following statements with regard to AdWords settings are correct?
a. Increasing the budget leads to an increase in the CTR (Clicktrough rate).
b. Targeting smaller regions through ads can result in more relevant ads with higher clikthrough rates.
c. Targeting smaller regions through ads results in fewer impressions.
d. Chosing specific keywords will result in higher clickthrough rates.
e. Chosing specific keywords will result in higher clickthrough rates.


In the above ad, how can you make visitors reach
a. By adding in the ad copy
b. By changing the display URL to
c. By changing the destination URL to
d. By hyper linking the ad title to

24. Keyword option determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. Which of the following search could trigger an ad for the keyword “Online course” using Exact Match Settings?
a. Cheap Online course
b. Course
c. Online Course
d. ecoure

25. Which of the following is not a part of the “tools and Analysis” Feature of Google AdWords:
a. Change history
b. Conversions
c. Google Analytics
d. Website Optimizer
e. Google AdSence

26. Is it possible for you to limit the number of impressions you will allow pre month for a particular campaign?
a. Yes
b. No

27. What happens when you turn on frequency capping for a campaign?
a. It limits the number of times your ads appear on the search network
b. It limits the number of times your ads appear on the content network and search network.
c. It limits the number of times your ads appear to the same unique user on the content network.
d. It limits the advertising cost to the campaign’s daily budget.

28. While using Geo-Targeting to target your ad to specific people, which of the following parameters can be targeted?
a. The person’s country
b. The person’s language preference
c. The continent in which the person lives

Please answer the Q. Best answer will be selected.

- kate - 04-08-2014 07:21 PM

If I do your homework for you, you'll never learn anything, and you'll be totally unprepared for the real world job market. Please do the entire economy a favor, learn how to function in business.

- Richard - 04-08-2014 07:22 PM

Way to go Kate. Saved me the letters.