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Attracting more visitors!? - Printable Version

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Attracting more visitors!? - Liam knows - 04-08-2014 07:12 PM

I'm looking to attract more visitors to my site are there any ways I can do this for free

- CashCome - 04-08-2014 07:19 PM

Recently, I noticed a website ranked around 50,000 rank in around 15 months founded. If you want to
have more details, please write to me at cashcome3388@ yahoo dot come dot hk This website is
attracrive and more and more new visitors will browse. Hence, the ranking is kept in higher position.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 07:24 PM

OF course SEO is normally the biggest source of 'free' traffic, this is more challenging for store site with nothing but catalog page of the same images and descriptions of other countless stores, inserting some fashion guide, lifestyle articles might help making your site unique an matching more keywords, of course backlinks are a big part as well.

Here's a Search Engine Optimization guide by an SEO authority, too much of the stuff taught by others is out of date or simply inaccurate.

Make it a more friendly fun interesting place, I'm guessing might be helping you with the Facebook tie in... ,some how maintaining more of the FB feel when they reach your site could help keep them around. You don't even have any welcome message, tag phrase or title slogan.

I don't know how effective a basic 'store' site is for sending prospects to a store, a lifestyle site show celebs wearing the same stuff, or a fashion review site putting pieces together might be able to better 'inspire' people to but, some of this could be done an the fan page, where you should not be doing straight selling.
Consider customizing the descriptions with a bit more of a reviewer feel, not having the same generic description as numerous other sites might help with search ranking as well. I would probably at least add some non catalog item content on each page, perhaps an introductory paragraph to the category, or something entertaining that demonstrates your style.

You could have theme pages rather than categories, perhaps showing coordinated pieces that make a complete outfit.

Placing ads on a store site fighting to get traffic seems counterproductive, it's sort of cannibalizing your customers.

Some believe relying on free traffic is a poor business model, making paid advertising profitable gives an ecommerce site the possibility of scaling up traffic overnight just be investing more in advertising, Unfortunately an affiliate site probably doesn't have the margins to afford paid advertising, in some cases a store site might need to pay for 50 - 100 clicks to make one sale.

- Feriom - 04-08-2014 07:28 PM

Hey liam, Ways to getting more traffic to websites are increasing as new promoting platforms are created. So search on Google, yahoo as new promotional techniques to get visitors. I searched this query and got one eBook site about some new ways of getting traffic. I have put the website link in the below source. I thought it will be helpful for you.