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What if someone copies your website content? - Printable Version

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What if someone copies your website content? - David - 04-08-2014 07:12 PM

I learned in the past you shouldn't be too concerned about this happening as Google can determine which domain acquired the content first, but, what if someone were to take your content and after this happening you were to "update/change" your wordpress pages/posts - would this now "renew" your articles meaning that Google actually sees your content as having a later arrival to the search engine because you went back in a renewed it?

Appreciate some feedback, thanks.

- Peter Nikolow - 04-08-2014 07:21 PM

Byron, this IS real problem and i will show you how you can avoid this in future.

1st you need to setup Google+ Authorship with rel=author and rel=publisher
2nd once you wrote new article you should publish it ASAP to the social networks and use tool as SEOPingler to be crawled and enter into SERP fastest
3rd you can try using DMCA takedown request to other sites that copy your content to be removed from Google SERP. Believe me - this request can drop ranking of whole site and have effect as nuclear device agains them.

Let's face the facts - you can't renew your old content, nor you can stop users to copy them. But you can build authority and show to search engines that this content comes from you. That's matter for them.

- Nuha - 04-08-2014 07:27 PM

You have no problem but he has problem if someone copy your content.