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Third date, no kiss, what to do? - Printable Version

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Third date, no kiss, what to do? - DAVID J - 04-08-2014 07:13 PM

I'd met this young lady online - surprisingly, on linkedin. We talked for weeks, and I decided to ask her for her number. She refused twice, but gave it the 3rd time.

Much after talking, I took her out. Superb restaurant, and we just spent the whole night talking together, till no one was left in. She wore a revealing outfit.

She did say, she is not into dating and doesn't trust men anymore, but I thought she'd change her mind.

We exchanged many sms, skype conversations, facebooking one another almost daily.

We went on two other dates - same, really nice places. She looked very bubbly and happy to be around me.

On one sms, she said she is not looking to date, like 3 weeks ago. Although it feels only a test.

I brought her flowers delivering them as a surprise, she was wowed big time.

She kept them said she, till today!

Third date, a little after xmas. She bought me a gift, hand written card. I bought her a great guess watch.

She looked wowed again, big time.

I tried to give her a small kiss, while thanking her. But she turned to her cheek again.

Lately I told her she put a wall in front of me, and that I started getting really drawn to her (all of this happened in the course of around 2 months) - not mentioning more.

She said she built that wall, and only time can tell when and if it goes down.

She has a little girl, amazing sweet princess - and I respect her for being a great mum, it makes her even more sexy, I told her that.

She seems very careful with everything, very discreet, not making a comment on my facebook, nor a like. Not posting the pictures of her on her last date.

I am getting all confused now.

Could she be hiding something? Like, other guys behind and me under her thumb?

I dislike it very much...what should I do?

Try a bold move?

Kiss her?

She doesn't mind revealing some flesh on pictures she posted. And she seemed very concerned about her privacy. I notice she follows a fair amount of guys on her instagram (which she never revealed having).

What do you guys suggest?


** She was with a guy for 7 years, and by all accounts, he was a real douche, not taking care of his own daughter.

*** She went out with another guy, who treated her like crap in the end.

**** Why would she offer me a gift? And she even said, I want to invite you, insisting on it, and pay for it - which I have refused.

***** Shall I not let wait a bit, like give no signs of life for days? The last time I did this, 3 days, she was all over me communicating and complimenting me.

- Charlie - 04-08-2014 07:21 PM

shes playing around with you, playing dumb little girl games. next time, just tell her that you can tell that shes not into you and stop dating her. then when she finds out youre dating someone else, she'll all of a sudden show interest and stop playing her lil girl games.
dont let chicks fck with you like that, you have to beat them at their own game.

- L - 04-08-2014 07:27 PM

I know they say crazy chicks are supposed to be dynamite in the sack, but you've got to learn to cut your losses.