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Facebook No "Add Friend" option?? - Printable Version

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Facebook No "Add Friend" option?? - NorthernCry - 04-08-2014 07:13 PM

Is there any reason why there is no "friend request" beside there name in the "search bar" but when I go on there profile page, I am able to "add friend" (but only when I am on there PROFILE PAGE not in my search bar)

when I type the first letter of there name, they pop up along with friend of mine on Facebook at the top of the list as if there already friend on Facebook. If I wait a minute more "mutural fiends" show up but they have the "add friend option" which is normal.

I go on to my boyfriends account and search the names and they show up as normal in the "search bar" with "add friend" option

It's just my account that it does this. One of the people I deleted was kind of a stalker and liked me a lot, so maybe this has something to do with it?

- NorthernCry - 04-08-2014 07:22 PM

I understand that people have the privacy option to not have "add friend" option removed. But they have that "add friend" option on there "PROFILE PAGE" but not in the search bar.

Look at the picture below, there little icons beside the name. I click on the person and they do have "add friend" option on there main profile page! We're not friends but they show up at the top of the list every time I type the first letter of there first or last name!

See the two top people... Well one is a friend and the other is not... But the rest of the people who are not friend have the add friend button. I go on to my boyfriend Facebook I search these people, and they have the add friend button.

- Chalie - 04-08-2014 07:30 PM

No, it's not the stalker, he can't change your Facebook. Maybe it has something to do with different if your using Mac/Windows/Linux or using something like an Ipad. But really... do you really need to have that.. it's just a couple of clicks away to befriend someone.

- hottie89 - 04-08-2014 07:34 PM

people have the option to allow someone to friend them. Some people make it to where only they can ask you, you can't ask them.

it's a safety and privacy option for high profile Facebook users.