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Feeling super depressed? - Printable Version

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Feeling super depressed? - Fort Lauderdale guy - 04-08-2014 07:14 PM

I feel so depressed lately. My family life is great and I have good friends but I get so miserable at work and with this girl. I really like this girl but I literally don't know her though. I went to school with her sister but never talked to her she was a year ahead (it's her younger sister I like we are same age, 18 but different high schools) and she is going to be going to college at the cafeteria I work at (at the college). I am going to a different college next year so I won’t be able to see her (same town). I know our futures won’t work out especially since she doesn’t know me and it could get really awkward trying to introduce myself i see her all over social media. I really like my job since I make good money but I work doubles and get all stressed out every weekend and feel miserable but need the money for a car. I could stay at this cafeteria job during the summer or go back to a local restaurant I worked during the summer and start in May. I wouldn’t have to worry about seeing this girl and wouldn’t be so stressed out but can’t decide. Should I go back to the local restaurant in May or stay miserable at my current place and wait for her?

- Kwuz - 04-08-2014 07:21 PM

Focus on yourself, not the girl!
In order to have a remotely healthy relationship with anyone, you have to be emotionally healthy yourself. Plus, you're 18. You have plenty of time to figure out life and love.
It sounds like you're really stressed out all the time. Instead of worrying about how you're going to get this girl, de-stress yourself, whether it be through exercise or creative works (painting, cooking, etc Smile )
If you're not as stressed, you'll probably be more confident, and be able to communicate with her.