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How do you organize favorites in IE 11 when you have a REALLY long list? - Printable Version

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How do you organize favorites in IE 11 when you have a REALLY long list? - Flowerz - 04-08-2014 07:15 PM

I would just drag each into a folder, but that would take a long, long time and I risk losing the link when dragging it..

I thought about copy and pasting every link to notepad or something and then re-adding every link to the folders.... but that is also going to take a LONG time. Isn't there a way to have like two windows open "organize favorites" so you can drag and drop it Much, much easier?

Also what about deleting multiple links at a time?! I do shopping and add a bunch of links at a time, and later I may not have decided to buy it and then I have a huge list of items I'd like to just shift-delete.
My list has at least 200-300 links on it or more
I believe I found it, on the C drive under Users then Favorites.. easier way and I can have two windows open

- Jack - 04-08-2014 07:19 PM

If you want to sort your favorites you can right click them. Then just sort them.

- Link - 04-08-2014 07:21 PM

I'm not familiar with IE11, but you might not have much better options than dragging and dropping links into folders. I would, however, suggest you do this not from the browser, but from the Favorites folder on your computer (it might be located where you installed IE11; if not, google it). You can open two windows side by side if that helps.

Also, since you mentioned shopping, this might be useful for you. You can install an add-on that allows you to add any webpages to your amazon wish list. So if you have some shopping links you want to save, you can click the button to add them to your wishlist on amazon rather than save them in your bookmarks. This will allow you to reduce the number of bookmarks you have, making them easier to manage. You can install the addon from here:

Lastly, I want to add that I've also noticed how difficult it is to organize your bookmarks, especially when you have many of them. I'm working on an elegant, clever platform that will allow you to do just this. You can visit us at and sign up to get notified when we launch.