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Bidding and pricing for FB advert campaign? - Printable Version

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Bidding and pricing for FB advert campaign? - Khuzaima - 04-08-2014 07:16 PM

I have set $2 per day budget for Facebook Ad campaign.
What is more suitable to cover more audience in this budget ?
- Bid for page like
- Bid for click
- Bid for impression (1000)

Also give a reason for your answer.

- Monica - 04-08-2014 07:24 PM

I have tried all of them, and I had more success by selecting Bid for Click. It resulted with more low cost for my advertising campaign. But I have selected the bid for click with my own price and not the suggested one by facebook. (which tends to give a higher price.)

- MADLUV - 04-08-2014 07:28 PM

is your goal to increase more audience or increase more sales.

by this question i assume it's audience. you want to expand your cume.

if that's the case then impressions are the way to go. as it sees more people
if you were going to increase sales then i would bid for click.