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Is Banner Topper a scam? - Printable Version

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Is Banner Topper a scam? - Michael - 04-08-2014 07:17 PM promises banner ads on the very top of specific yahoo searches for a fixed price for an entire year. They also promise these ads will appear 24/7 on yahoo, bing, google and
e-bay, craiglist and other websites for those specific searches. They guarantee us a minimum of 9000 clicks per month for 4 keywords we are interested in. The price translates to approx $.04/click as compared to $3-7 for pay-per-click ads.This seems too good to be true. Is it? Thank you.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 07:26 PM

I'm families with a lot of ad systems and have not seen that one before, it apparently relies on some sort of Adware or user installed browser plugins to make it happen, and would only reach a small percentage of internet users, if it relies on unauthorized adware it's future would be questionable.
I found no objective reviews just the same article reprinted on several sites only describing the downside of Adwords. Depending on your keyword selection Adwords can get down to around $0.50 a click. I just searched a couple of the biggest internet marketer forums, they had no mention of Bannertopper.
The closest thing I have seen before is CPV (PPV) ad networks that pop up windows over sites you target, relying on a user installed game engine or browser toolbar, the are about the cheapest per click ads available but only reach subscribers of the service that includes the supposedly user authorized add-on. These ads are used by big volume marketers and have significant min deposits. (They actually bill per impression most commonly)

TrafficVance $1000 minimum deposit (referral required)
MediaTraffic $100 minimum deposit - complicated, quality fizzled
Lead Impact $200 minimum deposit #2 Best place to start
DirectCPV $100 minimum deposit Brazilian, Latin American traffic
Adoori $100 minimum deposit