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Facebook question re privacy settings.? - Printable Version

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Facebook question re privacy settings.? - rainbowbrite - 04-08-2014 07:18 PM

Ok Facebook's constant change in the privacy settings so bugs me...

Anyway a question, Is there a way on facebook that i can hide my status updates from certain people on my facebook, yet keep my wall publicised? or is that a stupid question?

Thanks to those that answered.

i did as the second poster suggested in the first place but my wall is hidden from those certain people i choose to hide my status from...Confused
Thanks to those that answered.

i did as the second poster suggested in the first place but my wall is hidden from those certain people i choose to hide my status from...Confused

- The Technomancer - 04-08-2014 07:25 PM

You can do this using the Lists feature. Keep friends that you don't want to see your updates on one list, and ones that you do on another; then set your default Wall Post settings to only allow List 2.

- kays - 04-08-2014 07:34 PM

yes go to your account in the right side
privacy settings
at the bottom of all the settings customize settings
and at the end of the line by post there is a like tool bar that says friends click it
and it should drop down then click on
and you can hide it from certain friends
Hope this helps