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My friends don't like me anymore? - Printable Version

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My friends don't like me anymore? - Cfsdgsfgsg - 04-08-2014 07:21 PM

As me not caring about social status, letting my full on personality out...I always worry whether my friends like me or not. I have a strange personality. Like I always do nasty things and I always say weird things. I also have a small speech problem (a lisp, stuttering a little) which makes me pretty quiet sometimes because Im afraid of messing up like how i always did in elementary. Well to the friends are treating me differently now. They used to always talk to me on social media, invite me to chats. Now they leave me out of conversations, plans, and they don't even talk to me on social media. Even in class, 2 of my friends move to a different table everyday just to talk to some other person. One friend used to always come up to me and say hi and start talking to me. Now she rarely approaches me and only gives me funny faces. My friends always ditch me, say k to me when im talking and always ignore me in the one chat im in. One of them even blocked me on facebook.

I really did nothing wrong and I'm getting more and more anxious every time something like this happens. I'm starting to become more and more quiet and im also starting to hide my personality. I almost never gossip or tell secrets to anyone. What did I do wrong?

- Aletha Bowen - 04-08-2014 07:29 PM

You can get help for your stuttering from The Stuttering Foundation. They have free ebooks and online videos produced by speech therapists who are specialists in treating stuttering.
Tips on Bullying:
Bullies want to upset you. If you ignore them, they don’t get what they want.
Bullies don’t want others to know what they’re up to. If you attract the attention of someone nearby, the bully will back off. Yell something like “No, you are not going to beat me up. Leave me alone.”
Stick with others. Kids who bully hate a crowd.
Don’t look upset. Bullies feel powerful when they upset you. If you look uncaring, the bully has lost that “power.”
Agree with the bully. Bullies count on you to argue with them. If you just agree, there’s nothing more for the bully to say.
Give the bully some facts. I stutter because I caught the defective gene in my family. Sometimes people bully because they don’t understand why someone is different. If you give the bully some facts, you do two things: you show that you’re not upset and you might take away the bully’s reason for picking on you.
People who bully want someone who responds in a way that allows them to feel powerful. A child without power cannot bully. Power can be defined as either physical strength, social status, or intimidating behavior. from