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talking to girl in america ? - Printable Version

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talking to girl in america ? - Joshua - 04-08-2014 07:22 PM

so i meet a girl on omegle and then got her kick, we talked for 2 days straight and then as soon as school started we barely speak to each other, we are both 16 and i know she is real because i added her on Facebook and we exchanged a selfie with each other taken there and then kinda thing, anyway, she lives in America and i live in the UK, and now school has started again we barely speak, she is 7 hours behind me.

what can i do so we can still have a decent conversation most days, i really enjoy taking to her but i assume she can only do short replies during the time in between lessons, meaning not much talk, i can really olny stay up till 11 on days of school otherwise i am smashed at school the next day.

so what can i do, only talk to her on week ends or days off or something like that, please help guys, i really enjoy talking to her and don't wanna throw it away....thanks

side note:she does not ignore me once she has read my message she will reply but its generally short, is this because of the time she has to reply or is she maybe no longer interested in talking ?

- Debra - 04-08-2014 07:29 PM

Facetime or skype really help. Just send her texts throughout the day to let her know you're thinking of her and then you can talk on the weekends. My boyfriend is in the army. Hes in Germany and im in the US but we make it work. Keep in mind that is nine hours ahead of me.

- Kay - 04-08-2014 07:36 PM

It could be that she no longer has interest in talking to you but then again it could be because she's busy with school. What about after school? Why don't you try talking to her then? Weekends she should be available to talk as well but it all depends on how interested she is in talking to you. I mean, it could have been just for fun in the beginning but now maybe she's more interested in talking to other people (?)

There could be many different reasons and you'll only know if you ask her/tell her your true feelings. I know being a guy you might not want to do that but it's the only way you'll find out the answer and how she feels about it all. Best advice I can think of at the moment...

If she wants to talk to you, she'll make an effort to do so =)

- Captain Cook - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM

Give up you freak and talk to real girls in person