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Is it possible he's with me cos he can't get anyone else? - Printable Version

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Is it possible he's with me cos he can't get anyone else? - Mary - 04-08-2014 07:23 PM

It could be somewhat the same for me but i have told him that many times and let him make his own decision about me, but he claims that he really loves me and could be with any girl but he chooses not to. But i really disagree and i think he's just defending himself and being the ego-headed person he is. I've seen him on Facebook trying to talk to girls and they always snob him off. He's Chinese (and attractive), and likes Asian girls, and most Asian girls either have a boyfriend already or very hard to get. Whereas I was very friendly and easy to talk to, plus i didn't have much friends nor go out much and he accepted me the way i am. I'm 21 and he's 25. Is this possible? I am Asian (but not the chingy types) and dark skinned, not nearly as pretty as other girls and I always feel insecure as though he would just go for anyone. We started talking in 2010 and got close pretty fast and have been together ever since. He doesn't go out like at all unless his friend has a birthday, other than that he goes gym and watches movie with his friend every Saturday night.

I can't ask him again cos he's just gonna get offended. But what do you think?

- april sunshine - 04-08-2014 07:28 PM

Yes ypu are completely right. I am with you.

- 大嘴巴 - 04-08-2014 07:30 PM

Well his Asian and you're Asian, so he likes Asian girls (preference) and you are Asian, so what's the problem?

The comment where he said he can be with any girl, maybe that means, he can get along with any Asian girls, of course, not any any but girls he knows and can get along with either its normal friends or best friends.

Only assumption I can make is, maybe his a "player"....

You should ask him. Very difficult to analyse.