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Will amazon make me sign for my stuff when it arrives? - Printable Version

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Will amazon make me sign for my stuff when it arrives? - catmandoo - 04-08-2014 07:25 PM

I am under 18 and plan on ordering a prohormone off amazon. I dont need the whole "steroids are bad for you" lecture. Thats not my question. If you say that your not getting best answer. My question is will amazon make me sign for this item?? Will they "card" me??

- Darius - 04-08-2014 07:27 PM

No you don't have to sign anything for amazon once your package arrives, but if Amazon sent you the package through UPS or FedEx then you have to sign a delivery confirmation form and that's it. The shipping companies don't care what is in your package. That would be your privacy invasion. So you should be fine ordering.

- Cheeky - 04-08-2014 07:33 PM

If you are paying with a card then you will fill in a form if you haven't already done so,and that will be the finish with amazone who ever you order from will then take over and send the item out to you they might however get someone to sign for it for proof of delivery but whether it will be you or anyone else in household depending on whether it comes through the post of by any other method
I hope this helps

- Krishna T - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM

No they don't ask to sign for it. Delivery guy won't know what is inside your package.

- Michael - 04-08-2014 07:47 PM

nah i order form there all the time and what kind did you order and did you order a off cycle too? i want to get some