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Anyone who didn't meet the .us domain registration requuirements but still succeeded in registering one? - Printable Version

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Anyone who didn't meet the .us domain registration requuirements but still succeeded in registering one? - Vincent - 04-08-2014 07:25 PM

Hi everyone.I'm from China.
It's generally said that you have to be a U.S. citizen or resident or business or organization to register a .us domains, which is part of the Nexus Requirement at this link But all the registrars in China said anyone can register a .us domains and there are indeed many Chinese who domains and using them without any problmes.
My question is that is it eligible at all? Is there anyone who didn't meet the .us domain registration requuirements but still succeeded in registering or selling a .us domains? Are there any risks to do this?
I ask some major registrars in U.S. and they sail there are restrictions. I'm really confused. Please help me. Thank you guys.

- Eson Abdullaev - 04-08-2014 07:30 PM

You buy your domain from they will give you what you want