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Someone called my boyfriend 'baby'.? - Printable Version

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Someone called my boyfriend 'baby'.? - Nicole - 04-08-2014 07:26 PM

Okay, so I was on Facebook, and my boyfriend uploaded a picture of himself. And the a random girl that I don't even know comments, "Baby you're adorable. c:" Should I be worried? I mean we haven't been dating for that long..And I asked him about it and he said that he hasn't talked to her in months and that nothing is going on between them and that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. So should I be worried?

- em - 04-08-2014 07:33 PM

no, you shouldn't be worried unless he starts commenting or texting with her flirty things. some girls on social media are just like that, and she probably says things like that to any guy who she thinks is cute on facebook.

- Anika - 04-08-2014 07:38 PM

there is nothing to worry..surely the girl was making fun...

- Clayton - 04-08-2014 07:47 PM

Not to worry, as my dad always says. People sometimes say things on Face Book that they would never have enough gumption to say in person.

- Maya - 04-08-2014 07:55 PM

I wouldn't be able to refrain from getting into a catty battle with her or challenge with a "lol gtfo slut" comment or something silly and preteenish. But you gotta be better than that. But be smart, if he seems shady, in my experience, he probably is. Use your head and don't ignore the red flags. You deserve someone you can trust and you never want to get into a relationship with a player.

- xxmilitarychikxx - 04-08-2014 08:05 PM

She could be someone he wasn't interested in who just wanted to get under your skin. You can't get jealous over something he can't control. Women do shit like that just to start problems. She is probably single and bored and seeking attention

- Emily - 04-08-2014 08:15 PM

If he didn't comment anything flirty back, I wouldn't worry just yet.

- john - 04-08-2014 08:21 PM

No you will come off as jealous. The girl does sound like she is flirting with him though.