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Desperately Need Home Internet Help!!!? - Printable Version

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Desperately Need Home Internet Help!!!? - Wesley - 04-08-2014 07:26 PM

I have wireless router set downstairs in my home, probably 20-30 ft from my xbox 360 and soon-to-be PS4. The signal from that router cuts out just feet short of my xbox. I have a wifi range extender, a netgear WN3000RP, that will suffice for online games that require little connection. I am fed up with my connection being slower than Christmas. I have looked into newer wifi extenders, but I am hesitant to purchase one due to the claim that they cut internet speed in half. I don't think I can have a powerline adapter due to the outlets being on different breakers. HomePNA seems like it might work because I have phone jacks everywhere, but it completely blew my mind while trying to figure out how it works. Moving my router is not an option and neither is a ethernet cable through my entire house. Does anyone have any advice?
Would it help my connection if I were to wire my xbox to my range extender? There is an ethernet port on the side of it.
Internet speed on downstairs desktop is 5.7mbps and 63 ping. I am an amateur so I don't know what that means. New router or something else?

- Leon - 04-08-2014 07:33 PM

I have one. It's called daisy-chaining. What you do is buy another router (same model preferred) and an ethernet cable. The next thing you do is connect it to extend the range. The only problem is that I've never tried it before, but I know it works.

The source link will teach you on the configurations. Hope it helped.

- Ed G - 04-08-2014 07:40 PM

Well it it's only 20 to 30 feet I would not think you would need a wifi extender.Go to amazon at look at new wireless routers.Don't bother with cheap ones.You should spend $80 to $125.Look for ones that have good users reviews and not just a few but ones that many people have used.You are looking for a good one with good range.For the distance you are talking it should be easy.One point you don't say what your internet speed is.If it's low,then a new router is not going to help.

- Harley Drive - 04-08-2014 07:50 PM

buy a booster antenna for the router 9 or 12dB if it has a detachable antenna, you are right range extenders halve the speed of the connection unless connected by cable

- Midnightcracker941 - 04-08-2014 07:52 PM

First I can't believe your signal won't reach 20 to 30 feet. I would look at getting a more powerful router rather than trying to extend the network. I always recommend ASUS routers for people trying to extend their range to the max. I use one throughout my entire house.

Check out our guide on what to look for if you are looking for a new router.