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How to delete all my tweets?? - Printable Version

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How to delete all my tweets?? - Expertcamp523 - 04-08-2014 07:26 PM

I have about 134,000+ tweets in my account. Yes I know I'm kind of an addict. I haven't tweeted in about 6 months, though because I want to clear my entire timeline of my tweets, retweets, and all without adding more to the bunch. Yes, like many others, I have tweeted things I am not proud of and many others would not be proud of...but I have learned my lesson and want to have a clean slate; a fresh new start, so to say. I have attempted to try Twitwipe but for the past few days it keeps saying "Twitwipe is down" and I'm starting to think that they never will fix the problem!!!
Delete All My Tweets just takes me to the page where I authorize my account to use it, but it takes me right back to the main page and DOESN'T DO ANYTHING ELSE. What kind of service is that?!
I don't want to use because I heard it causes problems with current tweets and all of that.
Tweeticide I have to PAY for and I heard it doesn't work at all, anyway.
Tweeteraser is whatever, I does let you delete recent 3200 tweets but honestly, I want ALL of my tweets deleted as fast as possible.
Does anyone out there know ANY other website that will allow you to wipe all tweets and retweets that actually works? I need to know because I'm REALLU frustrated! Sorry if I sound like I'm yelling btw

- James - 04-08-2014 07:35 PM

I've always used When I need to delete Tweets. It's always worked for me. Hope I helped!

- xoxo-gossip-girl - 04-08-2014 07:44 PM

have you tried ?? idk if not, then use tweet eraser and just keep deleting until everything is gone