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Can't uninstall this Ad thing!? - Printable Version

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Can't uninstall this Ad thing!? - Emily - 04-08-2014 07:28 PM

So I have these ads popping up on my computer everywhere in my browser windows, and it says "Ads from BetterSurf" how do I uninstall this BetterSurf thing if I can't find it in my list of programs?

- iliketolisten - 04-08-2014 07:37 PM

that is not the way to get rid of them,use a ad blocker

- enJr - 04-08-2014 07:40 PM

you should uninstall it from your extensions/add-ons from all your browsers. you should back up your favorites/bookmarks and private data and reset your browsers to default and you should right click and edit all the shortcuts to your browsers (deleting the site address on the target box)

if that's too hard for you, you should reinstall your windows from scratch. i am assuming you are using windows btw.

- i like turtles - 04-08-2014 07:45 PM

If the other tips in the answers don't work, you will need to take this to a computer shop and have them work on it. A lot of malware gets right into the Windows definitions and is impossible to remove without reinstalling windows, so you will lose all of your files. Copy - one at a time - the files you want to save.

- KRoids - 04-08-2014 07:51 PM

go to c:/program files (x86). Open folder, find Better Surf and delete folder. Must close browser before you try to delete.