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Please help! I had a huge fight with my girlfriend and now I think I lost her!? - Printable Version

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Please help! I had a huge fight with my girlfriend and now I think I lost her!? - RB - 04-08-2014 07:28 PM

So I have a long distance girlfriend. We have been together for a few weeks now and we see each other usually once a week. Well we text a lot everyday and yesterday we got in a fight over text. Anyway she is upset and doesn't want to talk about it. She has been ignoring my texts. So on Facebook I sent her a message saying how much she really means to me and how much I want to fix our relationship. I told her she was special and beautiful and everything. When I sent this to her on Facebook she say my message like instantly but didn't respond to it. Didn't say thank you or anything. Not even one word. Why?

If she ignoring me and my sweet little message does that mean we broke up? She never said anything about breaking up. She is just ignoring me.

Did I just lose my girlfriend? Did we just break up? How long should I wait to see if she contacts me? Will she ever contact me again?

- Jay - 04-08-2014 07:31 PM

No, it means your immature girlfriend is having "moment" like many young women do. She's upset and she's giving you the silent treatment to torture you. Answer: act like you don't care. Stop contacting her until you hear from her again, even if that's never. I know you care about her, but right now she's TOTALLY calling the shots in this relationship and has you by the short and curlies. As long as you keep begging and pleading with her, she will only lose more interest. She has to believe that her little plan may have worked TOO well and that she might be losing YOU. That will make her panic a bit and she'll stop acting like a bi*ch and try harder.

- i dont care i love - 04-08-2014 07:33 PM

Try and do something spontaneous, and tell her in person how you feel about her, as it is more sincere than over text/fb
Good luck

- Lazy-assedvolleyball425 - 04-08-2014 07:41 PM

At this point, you've done everything you could with this girl and it's up to her to contact you again. Just leave it be for a while, like a week or two. If she wants to break up, she'll tell you as much. If she doesn't contact you at all after a week or two, consider breaking up with her yourself for your own sake. It's sad, but sometimes relationships don't work out and it takes both partners to work relationships out, not just one.