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Should I attempt to get back with my Ex(please read situation)? - Printable Version

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Should I attempt to get back with my Ex(please read situation)? - Joshua - 04-08-2014 07:30 PM

To start off we broke up in Oct. b/c I was trynna accept myself being bi(He was my 1st BF) so I begged him can he give me extra time. He was heartbroken but didn't understand my thought process at all. Month pass, we was still cool but it turned to friends with benefits ALL of Nov. We did argue a lot but it was obvious he was also in denial of his feelings to me. He got mad at small things(we basically was a couple). Well a month later he got a BF. They dated Dec. & Jan. Obvious rebound relationship b/c his sister @ times msged me that he liked me, dreamed of me, etc.

What makes this worse I almost dated my Exes Ex(If that makes sense) so we got in HUGE argument about that. Should I try calling my Ex house phone next week & ask if we could start over? Both of us are 17 but attend dif. schools. He may still be furious but is it worth a shot? We've both said mean things to each other, only out of anger though... so I dont know, HELP!

- NoB1knoB - 04-08-2014 07:38 PM

Don't call, but you could send a message via text or e-mail or other social media. In the message you're just going to ask him how things are going and/or basically send him greetings. Then depending on how he replies, you might ask if he's going with someone at the moment. Then you might work up to saying that you miss him. So kinda escalate things a bit slowly, if you know what I mean.