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Anyone who knows anything about minecraft PLEASE HELP.? - Printable Version

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Anyone who knows anything about minecraft PLEASE HELP.? - loudarm190 - 04-08-2014 07:31 PM

Ok so I've literally been trying for the last three weeks to make a server with hamachi and play online with my friends, but despite following every video and online instructions it only either lets me join or only my own household join. I have seriously tried EVERYTHING and it's not working. My router must be foreign or something because there is no login for it, not even the admin, password type stuff. I have a hamachi network, the multiplayer server with the ip address in the server log thing. How come I am the only one who is able to access the server? Did I miss something? Thanks to all who answer.

- Austin - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM

I'm guessing you don't know how to port forward? is probably the reason why your using hamachi.
I myself has had lots of trouble making my server but i didn't even use hamachi, i just port forwarded my router. and the reason that nobody else can join is your either giving them the ipv6 or something crazy like that or your setting it up wrong, oh and go to this website Find your router the router number and find minecraft and it will show you how to forward the port to make a minecraft server. Gl

- Armadil - 04-08-2014 07:45 PM

Hey, please skype me. I'm pretty advanced on things like this.

or email

- Athena - 04-08-2014 07:54 PM

You're firewall may be blocking it. I was having trouble myself for a while but figured it out. You have to manually allow certain options through your firewall. Go to Control Panel, Windows Firewall, Allow a Program or Feature.., make sure Hamachi is set to public. Check out this video, it helped me.