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im losing patience with my 13yr old, what do i do? - Printable Version

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im losing patience with my 13yr old, what do i do? - Hailey - 04-08-2014 07:31 PM

I dont know the best way to handle this.. my daughter has been really rude and moody with me for over a week, but only me. I have sat her down and asked her what i might have done, and she was just going 'dont matter'.

I then decided that if she wanted to be moody so be it, but now im starting to lose patience and she will pull disgusted faces at me, my cooking etc. My mums had a word with her, but she wouldnt spill

- Sarcasticbeam079 - 04-08-2014 07:40 PM

It's just phase all teen girls go through. Over time, it should pass.

- Kelsey - 04-08-2014 07:47 PM

I think you should stop playing into her hand. Stop saying, "what have I done to upset you..?" and start saying, "I'm sorry you're upset, if you want to talk about it I'm here. I'd like to understand why. But whether or not I understand why - and whether or not you're upset with me - is irrelevant to your attitude. Your disrespect towards me is going to stop, now, and your attitude is going to shape up ASAP, or there will be no computer, cellphone, or TV for a week. And if you can't treat me with respect by the end of that week, well. Consequences will continue."

Just remember. Your job is to be the parent, not the BFF. You don't owe it to your daughter to make sure you never upset her, you owe it to your daughter to raise her.

- Friendlyborder913 - 04-08-2014 07:56 PM

You need to sit down with her and ask her what's bothering her so much.

A good swat on the butt would do some good as well.

- Zoie - 04-08-2014 07:59 PM

I agree with Kelsey... I would sit her down and offer that you're open to talking about why she's upset, but you won't allow her to take it out on you. Make sure that she understands that she can come to you and talk about anything. You're her mother, you'll always be there for her. It may be normal teenage angst, or it could be something else. Have you noticed any changes in her, other than the new attitude? Have her grades slipped, does she have a new group of friends (or has she lost any old friends), has she lost interest in old hobbies/picked up new hobbies? Has anyone else noticed this change in behavior? You state that she's only moody towards you... but could her teachers have noticed something?

- oliviapope - 04-08-2014 08:07 PM

Talk to her. Take her out and open her up to see what the problem is

- Hand_of_Chaos - 04-08-2014 08:13 PM

She's being a typical little brat

If she pulls a face at your cooking then take it away and she gets nothing at all. no snacks no nothing.

If she's rude then you punish her

Take away all the game ssytems, the phone,t he the TV all fo that

- Ava - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

I would ask a teacher if they know anything. Or if you know one of her friends ask them. I disagree with who ever said it's a phase. It's normal for teens to be moody but over a week. That's not normal. Talk away her phone computer and electronics if she has any. Check her social media if she has one.

- ashley cheshire - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

Dont let it bother you so much shes a teen you can let her know it does matter and your there to listen but dont let it disrupt your day

- Cracker - 04-08-2014 08:24 PM

Hmmm - it does sound that her bahaviour needs correcting.
I would advise her that she is over-stepping the mark - and the best punishment for her would be spanking.