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why google pr is not update in 2013? - Printable Version

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why google pr is not update in 2013? - Jiwan - 04-08-2014 07:31 PM

for example i have start my web site in beginning of year 2013 and i have well manage on page seo as well as back links but till this date page rank is not update and we are unable to get any news from official website...

- Peter Nikolow - 04-08-2014 07:40 PM

Well GooglePR isn't updated - you're right. Before few years they have updated PR on regular 3 month basis. The problem is that Google is changing - Panda, Penguins, EMD, Hummingbird, keywords not provided, etc. This mean PR little bit outdated and irrelevant to SEO. Also one more thing - PR is just number but can't explain niche of this page. Just imagine if you are in insurance business with site PR3 and you purchase link from site with PR7 but with military equipment. In this case higher PR will not give link juice to your page, even can hurt it! Because both pages are irrelevant as content.

Second - there are 2 PRs. One is Toolbar PR that you're talking about, second is PR used only from Google but it's hidden and we can't see it. IF you want to see true PR you can use Moz OpenSiteExplorer and see DA/PA - they are almost equal as PR. You can use this as prediction did PR will be up or down on next update.

- Chris - 04-08-2014 07:47 PM

it will going to update soon...

- John Mayer - 04-08-2014 07:53 PM

It is now over 8 months since the last Google Toolbar PageRank update, which happened on February 4, 2013. At the six month point, Google told us a "no comment" on why there has not been a PageRank update.

Someone asked Matt Cutts, Google's head of search spam, if there would be a PageRank update before 2014 and Matt Cutts said "I would be surprised if that happened."

So for all those waiting for a PageRank update this year, I wouldn't wait. In fact, I'd be surprised if we see another PageRank update in early 2014. Maybe they will do one yearly now or maybe Google will quietly want it to go away and not do anymore updates?