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When I use the Yahoo image search engine, pornography pops up, but not on Google.? - Printable Version

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When I use the Yahoo image search engine, pornography pops up, but not on Google.? - Worried MOM - 04-08-2014 07:32 PM

I have been using Yahoo for 17 years but I am switching to Google because when I did a search of "Nintendo" character images on yahoo I got pornographic images and when i did the same search on Google I just got images of Nintendo characters. Plus my yahoo email account always gets hacked. I can not even contact yahoo support and tell them that their search engine is loaded with filth.

- JD - 04-08-2014 07:33 PM

Someone turned off saft filter on your search in yahoo to look up that inappropreiate stuff just clear your cookies/temp files up reset internet explorer and you should be fine

- Maikel - 04-08-2014 07:42 PM

I have never used the Yahoo search engine before. I always use Google, which has some good filters to avoid pornography to show up in the search results. Perhaps Yahoo´s system is not that good at catching all spam like this? Again I haven't used them so I can't know for sure.