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How To make a rich website for adsense? - Printable Version

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How To make a rich website for adsense? - Nagesh Rathod - 04-08-2014 07:32 PM

- Shashi kant - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM

first of try to use heading tags in your webpage as that tags are easily searched by a search engine. Always use content related to customer interest. Most easiest way is to make a shopping site and give links to the ads of that content to buy.
You can also go here to know other ways of earning money:
(a new blog of mine)

- Doodled - 04-08-2014 07:47 PM

Not sure quite what you mean by a "rich website" but in general the steps are few but hard:
1) make a website that is very popular and gets lots of visitors
2) put Google Ads on it.

Step 1 is obviously the very difficult part that everyone is trying to do. Note you'll need several thousand visitors to make a couple of hundred dollars.

BUT, and this is important, the website does not need to contain much text. This is a step change - a while back Google would read the contents of the page and then decide what ads to show. Now it also looks at the users browsing history and if there are better ads to show it displays these instead.

So if you created a website with satirical cartoons it might become very popular and you would also make a good earning from Adsense even though the site is not "text rich"

- Neil Roth - 04-08-2014 07:51 PM

Hi Nagesh Rathod,

You need just one to succeed with adsense.

1) Lots of website traffic.

And the only way to do this is to create a website that people will love.

The only approach you have is to observe what’s already working with others and adopt their methods by adding your own twist.

Traffic generation on the Internet is changing drastically and unless you have awesome quality content that people want to read/view/share/ to comment on, it won’t produce good results.

One thing you can do is find out problems people in your niche have and try to solve them. For example you can create a website in the form of an FAQ! (Frequently Asked Question) and answer them one by one.

Hope this helps.

- king - 04-08-2014 07:52 PM

I agree with Terrance Widner

Create new Social Networking Site