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EBAY HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!? - Printable Version

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EBAY HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!? - NONAME - 04-08-2014 07:33 PM

I purchased an item off of eBay the 1st day of February this year. The item arrived broken and I contacted the seller. The seller didn't respond so I proved them wrong with evidence and they still didn't respond. I opened a case and then the seller quickly responded saying that he would like for me to return the item. I then contacted eBay after he neglected to provide me with his return address after I asked for it twice. eBay gave me a free shipping return label and I sent the item out. I was refunded. A week later I got the package delivered back to my house because the address that the seller provided on their account was incorrect. I didn't want the item since it was broken so I listed it for sale through my eon selling account. Now, 3 weeks after the original case was opened, the seller contacts me asking for me to return the item. It already has 12 bids on it. WHAT DO I DO?

- flower - 04-08-2014 07:36 PM

You cant do what you did. You should have phoned the seller and gotten the correct address. You cant sell something you dont own. You received a refund and you cannot keep the item. That is theft. You have to end the listing and indicate Item Is No Longer Available. And I dont think you'd have 12 bids if you mentioned the item was broken.

- GinoParisian - 04-08-2014 07:40 PM

You are under no obligation to return the item again. It's the seller's fault that the address he has on file with eBay is wrong. I would ignore him.

- Kayla Bouvet - 04-08-2014 07:42 PM

try and get eBay number