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Is there something Tumblr can do about anon hate? - Printable Version

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Is there something Tumblr can do about anon hate? - skittlez - 04-08-2014 07:33 PM

I was on Tumblr last night and I saw someone getting anon hate (believe me, I've seen my fair share of it and even gotten some myself) from, like, an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend and there were so many people that were defending her. But the anon was relentless and wouldn't shut the hell up. It has been a full day and this is still going on right at this moment and I WILL NOT allow this to happen anymore. It is tearing her apart. Is there anything at all that Tumblr can do about this? I've already suggested to her to remove her anon option for a while.

- thatrandomprophet - 04-08-2014 07:41 PM

Idk about Tumblr staff. Because let's say the person sending hate isn't logged in to their tumblr they could still send hate and get away with it because their acct. won't get suspended.
Remove anon. That is probably the best you can do.
Or if you really need it for shy followers:
Delete the hate. Posting it only fuels the anon