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Question about Facebook "About Section" Questions? - Printable Version

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Question about Facebook "About Section" Questions? - Stephen - 04-08-2014 07:33 PM

Okay so my question regards the part of the "about section" where it says: "Interested In" and then you can either select men, or women. Is this part of the about section specifically just to indicate your sexual orientation/gender you're interested in dating? Or can it mean that you are interested in making friends of one or both sexes?

I only ask this cause there's a guy at my university who put that he's interested in both men and women, but he is foreign and from the Middle East where homosexuality is very repressed, so could he just be putting that to say he's interested in friends of birth sexes?

Does that part of the about section have different meetings in different parts of the world?

- Foolishplot948 - 04-08-2014 07:43 PM

That's who you are interested in "sexually". That's all it is to that option.

- esmerelda - 04-08-2014 07:45 PM

It's usually who you want to date. You are not OBLIGATED to fill it in. Facebook considers anything you tell them THEIR property -- read the so-called "privacy" policy. It basically comes down to - you have no privacy. And even if you delete something, they keep it.