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i need my career advice? - Printable Version

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i need my career advice? - Sohel Shaikh - 04-08-2014 07:34 PM

very long time i am thinking about my career and finally i decided what are doing for make good career
and i decide working with blogging like wordpress, blogspot and earn through adsense and other online income source..
so what u think
my decision is right or wrong ???
pls i need expert advice for experience man in online income source specially adsense
replay fast....

- Rebecca lynn - 04-08-2014 07:36 PM

Well if you like blogging a lot then go for it but always remember you should do something you really love

- Venu - 04-08-2014 07:43 PM

I am doing same thing what you have mentioned also doing with plan.
But what you have mention both are two different tasks, such as you are develop the wordpress sites, or such websites are only for revenue. If you only for revenue, no need programming skills.
Simply focus on SEO, get top position by applying advanced SEO techniques.
You must have high skills to create good optimized content. regularly submit news related info in one type of website. The content must original and focus on the people's interest, what they are looking for??

Personally i have full grip in both SEO and PHP, so i am customizing Wordpress sites as well. Your process (earning from your website) through ad sense is a long time process, you will get good results when you have successfully run the process. Without proper plan and implementation you don't get good results.

Finally i recommend first If you are topper in programming languages, learn PHP as well then focus on SEO, surely you will get good results for a long time, but you dont have programming skills simply focus on SEO and regularly submit people interested articles in your website.

- Jonah - 04-08-2014 07:49 PM

I have tried that for years. My advise is not to do it unless you are a very talented writer and can put out at least five pages of content per day. Most bloggers mercilessly fail.

If your writing isn't awesome, I will recommend ecommerce, but it is also so difficult unless you have an awesome supplier.

Good luck.

- Peter - 04-08-2014 07:57 PM

For almost 5 years running AdSense i earn $10 (not daily, nor montly, nor yearly, i mean TOTAL). This mean earning $2 per year. This is with low traffic. I know guys earning $10000 monthly - but they made daily traffic of almost 10000 persons and they are small team.

- melissa - 04-08-2014 07:57 PM

Making money through blogging is not easy. Hopefully you don’t feel discouraged, but it’s better to tell you that there is a lot of work and many hardships you will face now than find it out later.Keep in mind that making money is not impossible. Literally anyone can do it, as long as they have the 10 qualities of a future earner down pat.

- Ruchir - 04-08-2014 08:02 PM

Carrear must be the priority. you should work on your interest field.

once you gain some knowledge then you can start your own blog on the subject matter. this will make perfect in your present job by making you think in creative ways about job. this will lead to information sharing with others interested in your field and get you income as well in case you traffic increases.

visit this adsense website for more information