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Does buffering videos take up a lot of Internet? - Printable Version

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Does buffering videos take up a lot of Internet? - Hellokitty101 - 04-08-2014 07:37 PM

So let's say I buffer 3 episodes and it takes about 15 minutes to buffer them all the way (without watching) and then I turn off my internet and watch it offline, does that still take up a lot of Internet? Thanks!
deboredn2000, when you said "doesn't make a difference to how much internet it uses"... That's the whole point to my question. I'm not asking if it's still the same file, I am asking if it will still use the same amount of internet.

- deboerdn2000 - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM

whether you buffer them before or after doesnt make a difference to how much internet it uses. its still the same file.