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When large websites like twitter, facebook, and instagram are created? - Printable Version

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When large websites like twitter, facebook, and instagram are created? - Insaneplastic652 - 04-08-2014 07:38 PM

When someone actually creates a large website,
First of all:
1 - What type of hosting to they use? When they first plan the development of the site, do they just buy a normal webhost or do they spend a lot of money on a VPS immediately?

2 - Do they get anything copyrighted? And what could happen if they don't?

3 - What else is some important things that people do before they make websites like that?

- Ethan - 04-08-2014 07:44 PM

First off, remember that every web designer gets a different start. A typical approach is to host it locally or on a dedicated webserver (if you're looking free, 000webhost might do, but its not a very, well, "professional" host). This usually involves port forwarding or something similar. Just remember that if you ever port forward, only open ports you need and watch for security issues...

Second off, any unique work is automatically protected under US copyright law (©). Many companies choose to register a trademark (®, ™) to better protect themselves. When a company starts to generate revenue, registering is a good idea, but the us copyright law should be fine for starting off.

Finally, make sure to have a good background and a good motivation. For the background, know lots of web code languages, you will be using multiple at once! (HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, JavaScript, etc). For motivation, you need to have a good idea from the start and then take lots of time building it up!

- Jazz - 04-08-2014 07:49 PM

Usually big sites start as small sites.

- RH-Calvin - 04-08-2014 07:55 PM

They are more secure by building their own servers to host their own big websites. It is the safest way to host big websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

- ✔ Frank - 04-08-2014 08:02 PM


May be this site can help you
