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buying, selling on ebay, etsy or yorbin? - Printable Version

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buying, selling on ebay, etsy or yorbin? - Mike O - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM

I make and sell things that I list on all three my question is sometimes I list and it sells quick and other times nothing the things I sell are semi seasonal like mods for kids powerwheels cars, electric pocket bikes and airsoft mask defogger kits. I live in California so sales of these are steady but the rest of the country very slow idk if its weather or economy

- Vulgarpollution563 - 04-08-2014 07:47 PM

Unless you do a detailed analysis over time, it is hard to say what is affecting sales. I do etsy, used to do ebay until the fees killed me there, and a few shows per year. My BIG show makes money but . . . my first year was just my first year filling in for someone else, my second year was right after Hurrican Sandy, my third year they moved me to a different location. So, how can I possibly analyze my sales and whether it is worth doing the show with that kind of history.

You have the same issue. You don't have good data about who is buying, how the economy is affecting their income, how the demographics are changing in different regions, even whether or not you are using good keywords to get views. I've decided that this type of thing is not going to ever make me rich, so I don't depend on it. I just welcome any sale that happens along.

- mikester - 04-08-2014 07:49 PM

I use to sell on eBay, but they have been really screwing the small sellers with their high fees and all. I sell on yorbin and etsy now which are both great.