Twitist Forums account help? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: account help? (/thread-132402.html) account help? - Lisbeth Vanilla - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM

So everyone tells me it's not possible to create to accounts on using one email.

So why did both of my activation requests for both of my accounts go to the same email?

The first I created was for my friend so me having 2 emails told her she could use mine.

I made another account for myself and I kept myself logged in so I never had to log in and I didn't worry about the email or password.

But then I got a new laptop which doesn't have my email or password saved into it and so I went to log in and tried to log in, but then realized I had forgotten my password so I clicked the 'forgot your password?' button and then it said to type in my email so a notification could be sent to reset my password. I put in my email and then it said an account with this email was never created and so then I tried my other email (for my friends account) and it worked but it worked for her account.

So I can't reset my password and both the activation notifications were sent to her my first email which reset HER account password and not mine!

Is this supposed to happen? I want to recover my account cause i published my first story not too long ago and I'm trying to publish my second one but on MY account.

- trooper6387 - 04-08-2014 07:44 PM

This is their help link