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How to check urls of a website be SEO friendly? - Printable Version

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How to check urls of a website be SEO friendly? - Ann - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM

Is there any tool to check SEO Friendly urls?

- Venu - 04-08-2014 07:40 PM

No need to check SEO friendly URLs.

Simply if you can easily understand the URL name it's seo friendly \

For example: this url you easily understand it is related to "Supreme court doma act". So it's seo friendly.
the target keywords in the URL is recommended and minimize url length max 60 characters.

If you are doing custom urls or wordpress you can do it manually, If joomla ecommerce websites plugins available to make it seo friendly. for eg: "JoomSEF" plugin.

- Nagendra - 04-08-2014 07:41 PM

you can check your won the SEO Friendly URLs

if your url is looking like this
the above is not a seo url

if you see your url as this is called SEO Url...

the url will be clear and should be show your Title in the url, so then it will called as SEO url

- William - 04-08-2014 07:43 PM

There is no any tool to check seo friendly urls. It depends on you that which types of urls you make for your posts in the site.
SEO friendly are those urls in which title of your post is placed. Like your title of the post is " Top SEO Sites" then the url of this post should be "" . Serch engines catch fast this types of urls. Also it will easy to understand for peoples.

Hope it will help you. Smile

- Joe - 04-08-2014 07:45 PM

Recognize the importance of web traffic.
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the techniques to use in order to achieve more volume of traffic to your site. Without a good number of people visiting your web page, you won’t be able to expose your site to potential customers. Thus, you need to recognize the importance of internet traffic, so that you would be able to take necessary steps in SEO and attain it.

- Mark - 04-08-2014 07:52 PM

I personally use 2 websites that give me a good overview:
Grades your website and tells you what areas are strong, and what areas need improvement.
Another good tool to check the backend of your site.