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Today my website suddenly lost its ranking and got uncached by Google. Anyone can tell me why this happened? - Printable Version

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Today my website suddenly lost its ranking and got uncached by Google. Anyone can tell me why this happened? - Gorman - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM

In the morning I checked my site's ranking it was normal and in just a few hours when I rechecked it, it got disappeared. I am shocked and don't know what to do. Please help me with some details.

- Jeff - 04-08-2014 07:42 PM

It's possible you have some bad SEO habits.

Google has a reputation of dropping sites if they think your site popularity is spammed. For example, if you over do it on keywords or use keywords that don't actually pertain to your content, you could be tagged as a spammer with your site. Another thing to consider is where is your site linked?

If you try to get more visits by being added to a "link farm" or you find a source that will "increase your visits", that could create a bad rap with Google as well. Especially if the number of visits jumps a huge amount in a short period of time. You should also research SEO services before you hire them to improve your site. Some organizations will cheat you out of a good reputation with Google just to get a quick sale with you.

Last thing I could think of is if your site is up to date or not and contains relevant information. If your site never shows signs of life via new content, you also will loose popularity. Keeping a well maintained site will also help keep your site in the Google spot light.

Check out my sources listed below and read these articles to help clarify what to look for.

- Imisidro2 - 04-08-2014 07:49 PM

Get a Google Webmaster Tools account -- this is the ONLY place where Google will tell you how it sees your site, and how Google crawls your site. It is also the place where Google will let you know whether it sees "Unnatural Links" on your site. If you have a penalty, this is also the place where you can file a reconsideration request.

There are a number of reasons why your site will disappear from Google, and it looks like you got a massive slap. Get a GWT account and dig through the stats that you see. This is the place where you need to start looking‎