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Do you fake your identity on the internet? - Printable Version

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Do you fake your identity on the internet? - Lucky - 04-08-2014 07:39 PM

Do you act the same way online as you do in RL? If not, why do you feel the need to not be your true self?

- Puddy - 04-08-2014 07:48 PM

I would think many people do for reasons of privacy, etc.

- mukul - 04-08-2014 07:50 PM

no !!

- GenoBreaker - 04-08-2014 07:58 PM

I don't act the same way IRL as I do online. The reason is mostly down to consequences. Even the smallest negative said online can negatively effect you irl. Which is why I never use my real name, which leaves me free to speak my mind to a degree. IRL you can speak your mind but you can't be blunt without damaging your reputation.

- Tammy - 04-08-2014 08:01 PM

It depends on what you do. People doing nasty stuff usually tend to hide their identities and those that are all legit tend to don't care if someone sees their identity. At least that's what I think but as usualy opinions are different from person to person.

- Nisia - 04-08-2014 08:03 PM

"Do you fake your identity on the internet?"

"Do you act the same way online as you do in RL?"

"If not, why do you feel the need to not be your true self?"
Because my true self is an arrogant a55hole who no one can stand.

- Soorena - 04-08-2014 08:07 PM

Lol obviously because you are more likely to say things over the internet that you never would in real life to someone face to face. The anonymity makes you feel secure behind a keyboard that's why there are people trash talking everywhere on the internet.

- ckngbbbls - 04-08-2014 08:07 PM

I am absolutely the same on the 'net or in person. Its the only way I know how to be.

- Boss - 04-08-2014 08:15 PM
