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Why am I receiving slow internet speeds? - Printable Version

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Why am I receiving slow internet speeds? - William - 04-08-2014 07:41 PM


Its been about 12 hours since I have received the 50mbps promotion and at first I was getting around 25-30mbps and now I am getting 5-15mbps (15 if im lucky).

I live in Chicago, IL.

Whats up with the slow speeds!?

I don't even have a router so its just one desktop connected to the internet (wired of course)!

I was thinking that the old coax which has been there for years was used and maybe that has to be changed?

Something wrong with the cable modem? (Arris TM722)

Need Help!

- sweet_huney_85 - 04-08-2014 07:48 PM

Look if the Promotion Package is over !!
I think its normal to get 35-40 on same Package, but below that is really disgusting Sad

Better if you call your ISP, if you Sure that there is No Issues with your System and Router.

--Good Luck Smile