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iMaps for iPad using without internet? - Printable Version

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iMaps for iPad using without internet? - Milos - 04-08-2014 07:42 PM

So, my question is simple... Can i use iMaps on my iPad to locate where am i at the moment WITHOUT intermet connection? If i can, how? If i cant, is there any good app on app store i could download and use it this way?
Thank you!

- Duncan - 04-08-2014 07:49 PM

Maps require access to online databases for their information. In general you will need access to the Internet. Apple's Maps app does store some information on the iPad if you have previously visited that map location while connected to the Internet.

You may find some app on the App Store which just has local information relevant to your current location but no general global mapping app will work without access to the Internet.