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How do you get everyone that's on the Internet to follow you on twitter? - Printable Version

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How do you get everyone that's on the Internet to follow you on twitter? - Mr Breakfast - 04-08-2014 07:44 PM

I'm always sayin and thinking all sorts of stuff, but I only have 3 followers, although one of them is from the television.

Or is twitter jjust a bad road to go down?

- ledhead - 04-08-2014 07:47 PM

Who gives a sh*t what you think

- Nunya - 04-08-2014 07:48 PM

This will most likely get me downvoted to heck and back but whatever.

The answer is, "Why is it important to have people follow you". To me, there isn't. Working towards having a ton of people follow you is silly. So they follow you, what now? They can see what you post....and that is useful how? It isn't. It is just a way to feel self important. No real reason to ever use twitter as an individual. As a business sure (for advertising deals or events), but not for individuals.

EDIT: Oversharing (which is what facebook and twitter both lead to) causes way more problems/drama than is necessary.

- Ethan - 04-08-2014 07:51 PM

Just because tons of people follow you, doesn't make your posts any more interesting to them. My tip is to follow friends and acquaintances and they should follow you back. That way, people see posts that they might enjoy and respond to more than this random dude trying to make millions of people follow him/her...

Personally, I don't like Twitter very much because its hard to find people to follow compared to instagram and Facebook. Plus its loaded up with businesses...

- James - 04-08-2014 07:57 PM

Nope! I made a guide man on how to get like 400/500 followers overnight its easy as hell man. Check out my fiver page, i got 580 followers in one night dude :o