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How do you market better? How to make people watch our show? - Printable Version

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How do you market better? How to make people watch our show? - Hoshi - 04-08-2014 07:45 PM

My friend has started an online reality show. This summer we will be filming our third season. The show takes aspects from Survivor, The Amazing Race, and other reality shows of that nature and adds teenagers. How much better could it get!? It's called JARS (Just Another Reality Show). We start with 14 people from our school (we are trying to expand our search for contestants to other schools in the area) and they compete in physical, and mental challenges, they eliminate each other, and make their way through the game until they are the left man/woman standing. And they win $500!
My friend and I are having a hard time marketing and making people want to do it. We think people would love to do it cause it's $500 but we don't get a lot of people signing up. Every season we just barely get by with enough contestants and sometimes we have to scrap challenges the day of because there aren't enough people. Even when we uploaded it to Youtube, we don't get a lot of people watching. We have seen other online shows similar with lots of views and we can't figure it out.
Any tips on how to make people join, or watch our show would be awesome. Thanks! Also check it out while your at it :

- Muse - 04-08-2014 07:49 PM

I think you're on to something and I commend your creativity!

A couple suggestions off the top of my head:

Transfer your personal videos or the JARS videos so that they have separate channels. That way you're marketing efforts are focused on the brand you're creating.

Your blogspot account hasn't been updated in a year. Keep in current (even during off-seasons) and post to your social media accounts regularly as well. Make sure your social media accounts are separate pages from your personal accounts as well. You'll bring in a larger audience when they're asked to like "the show" rather than "the person behind the show" (that kind of success comes later!). Smile

The JARS Wiki link on your YouTube account doesn't work. Remove it or fix it.

Some combination of online advertising, social media, offline advertising, guerrilla marketing and face-to-face network will work. It's just a matter of figuring that out specific to your own project. If you'd like more info and advice, feel free to contact me in the future.