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I kissed someone too soon on my ex, what do i do? - Printable Version

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I kissed someone too soon on my ex, what do i do? - sinead - 04-08-2014 07:45 PM

me and my ex went out for 2 years. We broke up on good terms but the break up was so hard for me. we were both at a party the other night 2 weeks after the break up. it was my first time seeing him since the break up and this made me really sad and i ended up getting very drunk. i then kissed another boy at the party, ive no idea why i did it, i have a slight feeling it was a terrible attempt to get over the ex but i cant remember. i regret it so so much. my ex didnt see it happen but heard and now hates me, which is understandable. i wrote a huge apology to him and then he ended up deleting me on facebook. i know im an absolute bitch for what i did and all i want to do is get us back on okay terms.

- Boudicca - 04-08-2014 07:46 PM

You were single. He has no right what so ever to make you feel guilty about this. You can beat yourself up about why you did it, but he has no bloody rights to, the hypocrite! You are desperate to get back on good terms? Well then make *him* apologise for being a jealous douche.

- Chris Hill - 04-08-2014 07:51 PM

It was just a kiss and technically you weren't dating , this happened to me and my ex between me and her we both got over it , its just a kiss. He'll come around just give it time . surely he wouldn't throw away two years over a meaningless kiss.

- Pete - 04-08-2014 07:57 PM

He's an ex. you can kiss any guy you want to.

- Bob - 04-08-2014 08:00 PM

Boudicca is the kind of crazy girls we as guys tend to avoid...

- John W - 04-08-2014 08:08 PM

He is your ex. Its over, done, finished. He is dead to you. If he gets mad because you are moving on its his problem not yours.