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How come most people don’t know how to properly market their business on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How come most people don’t know how to properly market their business on Facebook? - Hollywood Jono - 10-15-2012 08:39 PM

1. They end up more or less spamming people
2. At the same time they unfriend and alienate people who would make great customers and perhaps even business associates/partners.Often for the same stupid reasons that other people unfriend and delete people.
3. It’s really like they don’t have a clue what they should be doing in terms of promoting their business on Facebook and certainly aren’t doing the right things.
If you’re running a business and trying to use Facebook to promote it you want as many friends/fans/followers as possible. It’s not like you are running a personal account purely to keep in touch with friends/family etc. But oddly, many business owners treat their business account the same way they’d treat a personal account by "weeding out" supposed “undesirables.”

- Yuuuup - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

may be no one has show them how to do it