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Should I tell the girl I love that I love her? - Printable Version

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Should I tell the girl I love that I love her? - Brandon - 04-08-2014 07:47 PM

Yes, I know love is a strong word, but I LOVE this girl. Her name is Brooke, and she has the most amazing eyes, and... well, I'm getting carried away.

Back about a year and a half or two years ago, I asked her out and she said no because she didn't want to be in a relationship. I asked her out over Facebook (I know, I know) because she was out of the area, and my best friend Phil was right next to me when I did it.

I told Phil that I loved Brooke, and he really acknowledged that (so I thought).

As of about a month ago, Phil and Brooke are dating and kissing and shit in front of me. Phil fucking knew that I was in love with this girl, and I still fucking am.

I know that she has a boyfriend, but should I tell her how I feel? Will this ruin my chances with her in the future? Will this make me seem like an asshole?

Thanks guys.

I forgot to mention that we're best friends. This is a friendzone situation

- Ariana - 04-08-2014 07:56 PM

No tell her..phil is the asshole

- kyla - 04-08-2014 08:02 PM

I suppose in my point of view, the girl doesn't like you that's why she rejected you and that she likes your friend instead. Your friend is the asshole not you. :/

- The Unknown - 04-08-2014 08:10 PM

Why are you still in love with her? Do you even know what love is? How can you still love her when she rejected you twice, and is dating your friend. Does that not ring the bell? Honestly you should always take chances, YOLO, and you love her.. right? You'll never know the outcome of something if you don't give it a shot. And if she rejects you again? My friend, that's life. And it'll fck you up just like everybody else. There's too many beautiful women out there, than the chick who rejected you twice. You never know? maybe that chick is just leading you on. Life is a mystery. And take chances. If you fail, pick yourself back up.

- Meghan - 04-08-2014 08:12 PM

if you really love her, you should tell her. but if there is even a little possibility it's just lust, move on.

- Devaney - 04-08-2014 08:14 PM

Listen, i will tell you right off the bat, if she has already rejected you, than telling her that you love her honestly is probably going to scare her off. far far away. and girls knowing guys love them especially when not in a relationship, thats an automatic friendzone. dont go there, your friend is a straight up douche bag and i dont even know how you'd still consider him a friend. you need to #1 confront him for his douchebaggery (thats actually a word, spell check isnt correcting me lmao). and #2 maybe talk to her more as a friend for a while(avoiding friendzone), build a strong relationship/connection before dropping anything like that. maybe she will realize that you were the guy she needed all along. and honestly if your friend wants to be a little *** id stab him in the back like he did you ( i know this is a really terrible thing to say and you probably shouldnt do it, morally its wrong but right now im really mad at this phil. how dare he) get him to screw up and lose her. dont make it obvious. but say he happens to cheat and you just so happen to know about it or hes always flirting with other girls id take proof to this lady. honesty is the best policy Big Grin

Well shit, that friendzone update just screwed my whole answer hahaha. kinda, getcho self outta that boy!!)

- Wifebeater - 04-08-2014 08:19 PM

no tell her mom you love her.

- Emily - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

I can't really say if you should tell her... but if you do, I'd say to write her a letter rather than messaging her on facebook. Maybe spray cologne on it if she's into stuff like that.. I know I would adore it if a boy did that for me. I despise it when boys ask me out or tell me they like me on facebook... They're not confident enough to ask me in person and they seem to take the matter lightly...
I prefer the phrase "would you be my girlfriend" over "would you like to go out with me". It just seems cuter.

- tagboy - 04-08-2014 08:24 PM

Some you win and some you lose, move on