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facebook cookies monitor your internet usage? - Printable Version

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facebook cookies monitor your internet usage? - What - 10-15-2012 08:39 PM

if true that's gotta be contrary to digital privacy legislation right?

Facebook is at the centre of a new privacy debate after a blogger accused the site of continuing to collect information after users log out.
Australian Nik Cubrilovic revealed how Facebook keeps cookies running even when users leave the social networking site.
Cookies allow people to be tracked as they surf the internet and can potentially be used to build up a profile to market to advertisers.
Mr Cubrilovic, a security consultant, posted a lengthy blog detailing how the social networking site keeps the cookies running.
He said: "Logging out of Facebook only de-authorises your browser from the web application.
"A number of cookies (including your account number) are still sent along to all requests to

but as a billion billion big business they wont be treated like spotty teenage hackers.. money grease will make the authorities look the other way, betya..
push the issue f/b are loaded and more than capable of giving each and every user a fiver in compo.


- † PRAY † - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

Does this surprise you?? We are so watched but we don't realize it for the most part.
RFID chips in everything we buy, cameras in public places, and then the internet. NOTHING we do on the internet is private not to mention our cel phones..

- tillan2k - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

you think other do nt
all e-mails are monitored. I have noticed if i visit house repair site, for next 72 hours I am flooded with service offers .
visit a porn site and you have offers of viagara and cognate product in you mail inbox
if your posting is to put adverse publicity on face book so be it

- pluginmaybe - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

It's more than likely that this site and a good chunk of other popular sites do exactly the same thing. The potential advertising revenue is too big not to.

- Stuart - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

I get spam in my e mail about things I have googled
I had an e mail offering me cheap a holidays to a place I had googled eqarlier in the day
I suspect facebook and hotmail both monitor us even when we have logged out

- Wounded Duck - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM


- Deighton - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

it's the sites with facebook content - you can delete the cookie though

- Jennifer - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

Download ccleaner and get rid of the cookies.

- Michael - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

When they are able to "Read my Mind"...then, I'll have to stop.
but for now...I just keep feeding them more Dis-information.
So...I am helping to keep someone Employed !
There-fore, I am a beneficial member of society !

- Julia - 10-15-2012 08:47 PM

The way to deal with this is Clear your Cookies!!! In internet explorer go to tools and delete all browsing history. If you use some other browser find out how to clear your cookies and do it regularly especially after visiting facebook. Also download something like Windows Washer - there are free ones out there on various download sites. Make sure you use it regularly - set it up so that it automatically washes when your browser closes down. Visit a site like annonymiser - you can visit sites through their site and no-one can tell where you have been at all. If you can afford buy the full versions of Windows Washer and Annonymiser. Very soon the UK Government's legislation comes into force where your internet service provider has to keep details of everywhere you send an e-mail to and every site you visit and hand it over to the police on request. If you use Annonymiser they won't be able to tell which sites you have visited.